Saturday, November 12, 2016

What do people want?

1. Financial security
2. Physical security
3. Good schools
4. Good choices

Organizing brainstorm

Build on personal interest groups
Lists, lists, lists.
Ask "Where are we going wrong?" "What is the most important thing that needs to be changed?"

Who are your neighbors?
Who are your circles?

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Our dysfunctional government seems to be unable to do what needs to be done to get our economy back on track.  This blog is an effort to build a strategy to bring about recovery from the grass roots.  It addresses unemployment issues and resources, alternative development strategies, grass roots action to incentivize our poltical process to pay as much attention to the needs of the victims of the recession as it does to the beneficiaries.

Initial topics include:
Creating jobs from nothing.
Under the table economy.
Micro capitalism
Strategic developmental projects
Health care
Productive practices
Destructive practices
Child care
appropriate educational opportunities
Spiritual resources
Spiritual obligations
Employment resources

Research the local labor situation.
Research the local food situation
Research the local indigent health care situation